
Do I still need to visit the dentist with braces or Invisalign?

woman hugs son after her Teeth cleaning with braces

If you have braces or Invisalign®, should you continue visiting your dentist every 6 months for professional cleanings? Can your dentist even clean your teeth with braces on? Spoiler alert – YES it’s actually essential that you still visit your dentist throughout your orthodontic treatment! Here’s everything you need to know: Before you begin treatment Do I still need to visit the dentist with braces or Invisalign?

Can Invisalign fix a gummy smile?

couple watches sunset and asks "can invisalign fix a gummy smile"

If you have a gummy smile, there’s a good chance that Dr. Andrews can create a personalized treatment plan to correct your condition and help you feel confident in your smile! As a Diamond Plus Invisalign Provider, Dr. Andrews is ranked in the top 1% of all Invisalign doctors in the nation. He has years Can Invisalign fix a gummy smile?

SmileDirectClub is closing! Why it’s happening & What to do

two brothers talk about the Smiledirectclub lawsuit

We heard the recent news about SmileDirectClub closing its doors, and (unfortunately) we’re not surprised! Mail-order clear aligners have been known to cause irreparable damage to their patients’ precious smiles. We genuinely hope that you haven’t been negatively impacted by SmileDirectClub mail-order care. As an experienced orthodontist, it’s reassuring to know that there is less SmileDirectClub is closing! Why it’s happening & What to do

Smile Stocking Stuffers: Best Gifts for People with Braces or Invisalign

girl in santa hat smiles and listens in to stocking stuffer ideas

The holidays are right around the corner! If you’re starting to think of gifts or stocking stuffer ideas for someone who’s currently wearing braces or Invisalign®, or someone who’s considering orthodontics, we prepared the ultimate guide to make it easy on you. Bring on the holidays, festivities, and beautiful, healthy smiles! Here are the top Smile Stocking Stuffers: Best Gifts for People with Braces or Invisalign